Tuesday, 31 May 2011

OOD File 2

File 2 of the Office of Occult Defence latest recruitment efforts.

Definitely Not A Canon

Mayhaps this might be a warning to those boys on the beach who always try and hit on the women there.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Recruitment Efforts

Just because I made something in a story doesn't mean I can't use it in a cap! You can find the story that inspired this cap over at the library section of Rachel's Haven (link at the side)

Friday, 27 May 2011

A New Way To Party

Is this is start of a new story 'verse? Who knows, but it was pretty fun to write and I did this in about ten minutes while waiting in the car while my folks were food shopping XD

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Work demands certain things..

As with all jobs, certain things are demanded of the employees though I think that perhaps this job has some of the strangest requirements....

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

As Promised..

Well as I promised two weeks back, I'm bringing you a brand new caption for you all to (hopefully) enjoy. Just a quick one as the idea sprang to mind, so I'm hoping it turned out alright.

Be careful if you decide to play Tombstone while down at the seaside, you might not just injure yourself....

Friday, 6 May 2011

Well thats that

Unless I've forgotten anything (which is always likely with me!) that's all my backlog of captions uploaded here. Hope you enjoy looking over them all and any comments you wish to leave will be welcome.

But for the next two weeks, that's it from me. I'm off for a bit and won't be back till the end of the month. When I am back, however, I'll be bringing new caps for you all.

Till then, take care sweeties!

Mainly caption series for this one

Almost there with all the old ones...

More old caps, just more recent ones!

Another batch of captions