Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Odd Contractual Conditions

Jobs always have weird requirements....

The fourth in the Texting series, I just wanted to use a different title this time out!

Thanks to Ambyr, Ian and Pusywillow for their comments :) I'll be considering the use of tags.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The Io Virus

Be afraid, humanity, be very afraid.

Hmm how would an evil villain with a cow based plot for world domination cackle with evil delight without sounding cliched or just plain odd? Hmmmmmmmmm.

Well folks, my uni trip yesterday went well and I was offered a place. So yay for that! Anyhoo, back to the week and the first of the caps. Trying to make sure that there is something going up all week to keep you entertained. Think I may try adjusting some of the settings round here. One thing that would be useful but I won't be doing since it involves going through and editing almost a thousand captions is a tag list. Would you guys like to see tags appear on my new stuff? Personally I'm not particularly fussed by them, but then again, I can see whatever caption I want from my list by going to my backups, so your opinions here are worth their weight in gold!

Thanks to Ambyr and Ian for their comments :)

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Just What She Wanted

Sometimes you get exactly what you were after....

Two caps on a sunday? What madness is this? Well since I may not be able to upload anything till late tomorrow and had some ready to upload thought I'd get it done today instead! Now so long as I can make some more we should be good for the week!

Not Quite Fair

Its never fair when all you end up with is a teeny tiny revolver for the zombie apocalypse

Thanks to Ian for his comment. It certainly made me giggle ;)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Secret Diary of a Transformative Call Girl

No job is ever all that easy....

Saw the photo for this one and was like 'hey I can subvert the expected!' and well the rest of the story developed from there!

Sorry that there wasn't a post this morning, i had to head up to Cambridge for a uni open day and only got back a short while ago. After being on a train from my home town all the way there reminds me why I love my car!!!

Thanks to Ambyr, pgh pregfan, Ian, ryan and pusywillow for their comments and extra thanks to pusywillow for her long reply to a question I had posed in an earlier cap :)
While it might not seem like it, since I only usually put the thanks sentence at the bottom of each post, I do actually read through every comment that gets posted here and I value each one since you lovely lot have taken the time to respond to what I have put out. So thanks again for all the comments and keep them up! All bloggers love to see response to their work, lets us know if we're on the right track and our work is hitting the spot :)

Friday, 25 April 2014

Don't Get Mad, Get Even

Pregnant revenge cap anyone?

Whoops sorry bit late on the update today. Had to deal with another crazy uni related email and all that entails. Hard science courses seem to be causing me more trouble than the course I actually want to do! More expensive too.......

Anyway, revenge cap!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Go On

Submit to the temptation.

Have to admit, I had a lot of fun writing this caption. It was kind of how I would tease someone into willing taking a spell and lets face it, who would need a little demon on your shoulder when you have something like this right in front of your eyes?

Thanks to Melina for her comment on the last cap :)

Now if you're still reading, I'd like to make a quick announcement. I don't know how many of you who take the time to read my blog are aware that Rachel's Haven produces its own fresh material for the TG/TF fiction market but they do and in my opinion what they already have put out there has been a resounding success.

This year the girls have been putting together a collection of short stories and novellas known as 'A Little Bit of Girl Time'. Each story is written by a member of the site and fully edited by the wonderful Rachel herself, the collection is a fun read for anyone. No matter what you're looking for, there is bound to be at least one story that covers those themes.

Now I read the first collection and let me tell you that I found it really enjoyable and some of those pieces were some of the best things I've read for a long time. Its easy to get absorbed into and since most of the material is brand new and made just for the collection, you won't be seeing it anywhere else!

Of course the question is why am I going on about this? Simple. The new collection is out now and available to buy either as the whole thing or as individual stories. I also have a piece published in this collection, so this is also a shameless plug for my own work. Hey its my blog after all ;)

Anyhoo, my piece is 'Web Of Darkness' a murder mystery set in a futuristic London. Here's the blurb as posted on the collection since i think Rachel did a great job at summing up the story...

Deacon Vendris is a man fighting the ever evolving, yet always familiar battle to uphold the law. An ex-marine trained on Mars and stationed across known space he safeguarded the lives of his crew mates and helped defend our borders from the more hostile species we've encountered. Now he protects and defends the people of London from those who would do them harm.
A young woman is found brutally murdered in an alley, but none of her personal effects appear to be missing. But if it wasn't a mugging gone bad then why was she killed... and by whom?

The first part is available now and I'm working away at part number 2 ;)

All profits go to support the Haven so its a win all round. You get a selection of great stories and the Haven keeps running.

If you feel like picking up either the full collection or single stories from any of the published collections you can find them on:
Google Play
Kobo Books
Barnes and

Trust me, its worth it :)

And so ends this advertisement!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Deal With It All Later

This particular school has invested in a whole new building for its Gender Studies department as a result of what goes on inside the grounds of the campus.

Hey folks, hope you don't mind a new anime style caption. I had a bunch of ideas pop up for the images I have stocked up for this type of image (happens to be my smallest folder overall. One of my regular photo folders has over 1,100 images in it waiting to be used), so while I have a couple heading your way, well they are outnumbered by the normal sort.
What do you all think of using anime images in captions? Better than normal? Less than? I'd love to know your thoughts on this one, so if you feel like it, please put them down in the comments section :). Tempted to do more here under captions in the future, but well, how much of my ramblings do you really want to see? I think other blogs are able to do the talking bit far more effectively than I can.

Anyhoo, till next time, keep watching those skies citizens!!

Thanks to Ambyr and Bree McAdams for their comments on the recent captions :)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Third Round Texting

Always nice to do a job you love.

I've been enjoying writing this particular series, pretty fun one to put together and I do have ideas for a couple more. Watch this space!

Thanks to Ian and Pusywillow for their comments :)

Monday, 21 April 2014

In The Search Of Work

There's pitfalls in everything, this one just happens to come with a soft landing ;)

Well hope you all enjoy a third caption for today! Got enough for the rest of the week, so there may be double updates a day this week :)

Seizing It

Sometimes you just have to grab the opportunity while its there and damn the consequences.

Ocean Of Sand

Yeah I couldn't resist a hump reference. I could have gone far more graphic ;)

Hey folks, sorry I haven't been around the last few days. Last week was kinda crazy for me with one thing and another and I just couldn't find the time or inspiration to start working on any captions. However, I did make a raft of them on Saturday and still got the buzz running in my head, so have a couple of caps for today! Got a lot stocked up and for those of you who like my pregnant caps, well you're in for a treat since theres a bunch of them ready to go and a load more in the works.

Thanks to Ian, Pusywillow, pgh pregfan and Maxwell Avoi for their comments :) Love your books Maxwell, always find them really fun to read :)

Thursday, 10 April 2014

More Texts

Best job ever? You decide!

Sorry that I haven't updated the last few days. I ran out of prepared captions and I've been trying to deal with some RL uni stuff. Still trying to get that place!! Anyhoo, here's a pregnant cap for you, hope you enjoy!!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Have To Let Off Some Steam

Sign up at your local recruiting office today! Can you imagine the sort of song the village people would make for this organisation?

Thanks to Dee Mentia and the mysterious person only known as Unknown (insert eerie music here) for their comments :)

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Exchange Day

Always take advice, you never know what good it may do you.....

Wanted to try something a little different, and I kinda like how this one turned out, despite the mass of text involved!! Sorry for the late post of this caption but I was playing airsoft all day and I'm now massively achy. Luckily I wasn't shot in the breasts this time!!

Its seems that you all like my pregnant caps a lot, and well I'm planning on many more heading your way in the next few days so long as the ideas keep coming :)

Thanks to my big sis Sedra, Loki Trickster, Ian and Pusywillow for their comments :)

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Conditions Of Employment

They say that work allows you to grow within yourself, this job is a little more literal than that.....

Thanks to my big sis Sedra for the comment, and for the chat we had yesterday :)

Friday, 4 April 2014

Sending A Text

Always worth keeping in touch when on long work assignments.

Thanks to Ian and Loki Trickster for their comments :)

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Regressed Revenge

You can warn people till you are blue in the face, but some just never listen.

Thanks to Ambyr and Laura Jade for their comments :)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Delayed Action Spell

The Overlady strikes again ;)

Made this one to mark passing two million views here, which I would have done much sooner, except that it came when I was stuck for ideas! So now that we're over 210000 views, thought it about time to bring you a cap for it!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Go Away

Tips for budding evil villains no:743 -- Complex multi staged serums and spells are all well and good, but the most powerful weapon you have is the mind of your victim itself. Their acceptance of the situation is always more powerful than anything you might try.

A tip so many villains forget. Its why James Bond always manages to escape.

Thanks to Ambyr, Ian and Loki Trickster for their comments :)