Friday, 30 October 2015

Life, The Universe and Everything..... or trapped in the hell realm of essays and lab reports.

Hey boys, girls and everything in between! Sorry for not having anything uploaded here of late. I do intend on getting stuff to you and there are two caps half way done on my desktop, but my course picked up the intensity pretty quickly and by the time I get back home, I often don't have the energy or even worse, the ideas, to make captions.

Hopefully I should be able to make one or two this weekend, but I have a two thousand word essay due on Tuesday thats being a bitch to research, a lab report due on friday and another due either at the same time or the week after with another essay that takes even more science stuff to get right due about a week after that. Then I hit exam time!!! Can't say I'm not getting my money's worth this year!!

So while I hate leaving this place so quiet, it might be some time till you lovely lot get a bunch of captions, but please hang on with me as they will come along!!

So till next time, keep watching those skies citizens!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Another quick updatey thing

Hey boys girls and in-betweens! Hope you're all having a great day!

First off, thanks for all the input on the last question I posed to you all. From now on, I'll be adding the caps I make for people over at the Haven (and elsewhere if I ever join another place) to this blog to bring you some extra content.

Secondly, there is more content on the way, its just that I've been drinking most nights and thus passing out early since I got back to uni and the demands of my course have really started to suck up my time and is set to get worse as the assignments deadlines start cropping up. Trying to stay ahead of the game there, but it will take some time for me to get settled into making caps on a more regular basis again.

And finally for today. Its my 27th birthday!!!! So thought I'd post this before I get myself sorted to head out (looks like on my own because screw the people I know who said they'd come out, the fuckers!! Not that it will stop me from trying to have a good time of course ;) ) and give you lovelies a bit of an offer. As you might be aware, especially those of who have have hung around here for a long time, I tend to make an Overlady themed caption on my birthdays or any milestone this blog passes, sooooooooo for the first mmmmmmmmm ten shall we say people who comment, you guys get a cap made for you! You'll feel the touch of the Overlady in a more personal fashion ;) Just stick down what you'd like to happen to you and we'll see what the Dark Mistress will create ;)

So until the next time (i'm sober...) take it easy sweethearts!!