Tuesday, 29 May 2012

A Bloody Awful Few Weeks

Well sorry that there hasn't been any updates since those last two captions went up. The reason I haven't put anything new up was that my laptop was stolen. While I got it back today, data has been deleted from it, and I quite frankly don't know what to do. Guess I'll figure it all out once I've had some proper sleep.
Now I haven't forgotten about everyone that takes the time to visit this little place of mine on the web, but it will be some days yet before I get anything new up. Kinda hard to make any captions when my image stock was destroyed by the bastard that took my machine! So please don't forget to check this place out and I promise to get new material up for you all to see in the very near future.
I just have to get my head back in the game and shake of the feeling of violation this whole event left me with.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Mutations In The Dark

Vitamin deficiencies can be such a bitch.

The problem I find when I lose my train of thought with stories and captions is that they tend to end up hanging around and keep me annoyed enough not to make anything further. The result is that I tend to try and make new ones, ignoring the old, but if the problem is too bad, the same result happens and the new half finished ones join the older ones. My computer is littered with such files, but the ideas of all of them are still buzzing around in my mind. Crazy no?

So its a little celebration when I can clear even one of them and this is one such caption!!

Sometimes The Label Doesn't Help

Product testing is always a difficult thing to ensure in the laboratory environment.

Yes, I finally have a new cap uploaded! I know its been a while, but between bouts of work and plain exhaustion both physical and mental, its been hard to get my brain in gear. Still at least I have something up at last!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Delays, delays, delays

Well I'm still alive and in pretty much one piece, but things have become busy for me once again. I'm now confirmed to be busy and probably away from my computer over the summer (depending on what I'm up to and how much time off I get), plus the next couple of weekends I'm off working too. Busy aren't I?

But I'm going to try and get material done and up this weekend. Not so exhausted now after all those shifts I was doing in the previous two weeks and my creativity is seeping back steadily so with any luck, there will me new stuff up here soon!

So I haven't forgotten about you lot, just been a touch overwhelmed with work and such as late!!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A Bra Full Of Secrets

Mother knows best and she'll ensure that she gets what she wants!

Yeah I know that I said I'd be getting a lot of captions up over the weekend, but things piled on me once more. Hopefully there will be more time to get things done at the end of this week, but since I'm on night shifts for the next few days, I get the feeling I'm going to be even more tired than I was this weekend!

Still, I'll have my first car this coming weekend :)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

A Pleasing Product Test

I think the results already speak for themselves in this test!

Well I'm not dead, but the twelve hour shifts I've been doing over the last few days have been enough to knock me out and stop creativity. Mind you, it has allowed me to work on my medical skills so that's a plus!!

So here's what should hopefully be the first of many caps this weekend. This image just pretty much spoke for itself and was an easy one to come up with a story for.

In case you were wondering, the themes I was talking about in it are not just plain science fiction. There is a lot of current research into genetics that will extend life and thousands of other things. Truly fascinating stuff. I won't go into a lot of detail here, but I suggest you pick up a few books on the subject. Just be careful what you look at and avoid anything that denies the research. That is just pointless reactionary crap.

Thanks to Nadine and Mingle for their comments :)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Viewing The Playthings

Always beware of what the Overlady offers.....

Sorry for the lack of updates over the last couple of days. Been struggling with the dreaded writer's block once more. This might be the only cap till the weekend as I'm working with the ambulance service for the next few days and won't have much time to create anything. Still you never know.

Thanks to Alectra, Anne and Sedra for their comments :)