Sunday, 26 July 2015

A Prison of Magic

It can be the most effective confinement in the universe.

This is one of those caps where the image kicked off the idea. I really liked the look of the islands in the background and that began the setting. Mind you I'm a sucker for any amazing landscape, form islands and archipelagos to weird creations of dissolved limestone to wide sweeping vistas and right down to twisting paths through forests. Cities  and towns don't interest me, but the natural world, well. I'd even visit the coldest places in Siberia, just to say I've seen my own breath freeze in mid air in the middle of summertime!!
Another ting about this story, its the second time I've written it. The first time I didn't like how it was turning out and it was lost when the programme failed to save it during a restart. I actually think this result is a lot better so yeah, I like it!

Thanks to Ian and W8z2x4m (been a while since we've seen you here, so welcome back!) for their comments :)


  1. A nice little caption to give dreams of far away idles and loving wives.
    But to lower the tone i wonder if Siberia is cold enough to make a fartcicle ?

  2. Kara you are a romantic! Yes, I am a sucker for lovers shown living happily. Maybe dreaming of the babies at my breast while I satisfy my love smiling through tears of happiness. Ok, I'll snut up. It is just a dream. At least, it is not about a frozen, jaw dropping fart.
