Friday, 5 February 2016


The most extreme situations can sometimes show you things you never thought, but always needed.

XCOM 2 day yay!!! Here's hoping my computer can run it! If it can, you lovely lot might yet appear as members of the squad ;)

So I couldn't sleep well last night and ended up reading what is rapidly becoming one of my all time favourite books. Dare, Truth or Promise by Paula Boock is a story of two teenage girls who meet quite normally but are both struck for one another immediately. I won't spoil it, but its sweet and romantic all the way through :) I find it so compelling whenever I pick it up that I tend to read it cover to cover without putting it down! I really recommend you guys reading it if you get the chance. Its also the twelfth book I've read so far this year. Hmmmm maybe I should make a cap about that? Not sure how Shakespeare or Oberon would take the corruption of my initial thought on the plot for it though!!

Thanks to Kronostar for the comment :)


  1. Oh boy, I got Xcom2 as well and it is just as good as Xcom EU. Everything has been bumped to 12, just past 11.

    Good Caps and Im glad to see you more active :)
    "Xcom: The only game where 60% is actually zero."

  2. I'll be Xcoming it up as well. I already tweaked the .ini files a bit so my people didn't miss quite as much. They still miss a ton though. :/

    I'll have to give Dare, Truth or Promise a read. I just finished the Garoul series by gill mcknight. Sweet, fun, and cute lesbians and werewolves. Really enjoyed them even if they are not the pinnacle of literary heights.
