Monday, 29 August 2011

A Special Replacement

It's good when an employer can find a solution to small employment problems isn't it? ;)

Still Growing!!!

Some growing pains for one young crossdresser that could yield just what the soon to be she is really looking for. 

Just remember boy, girls and everything in between, medicine and chemistry can't answer all your problems. It can't for example, find out just how to buy you a new wardrobe to fit that new body of yours ;)

Friday, 26 August 2011

The Seep

The problem with not writing caps for a few days is that inspiration tends to go awry. I've been stuck for ideas somewhat and well this is just a perfect example of the problem I've been having. I just wasn't happy with my first attempt for this (the cap below) so thought I'd give it another shot. Still not perfectly happy with it, though.
So thought I'd bring you both and see which one you lot think is better.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

A Night In Hell


Sorry I haven't got any new captions to you so far this week, it's been pretty manic for me and I've had sod all energy when I get home from my job to make any captions (hell the only chance I had to do some story writing was in a notebook on the train last night while I was heading to my second job!). But since I'm not actually away this weekend (time off! Woooo!!!!) I'll be able to get some new pieces to you all and I'll try and make a bunch of make up for the lack so far.
Also, I can move my hands again without pain, so it'll be easier to actually do some work. Swollen wrists do not make using a trackpad easy.

So till later sweeties...

Monday, 22 August 2011

Returned from Hell

Yep I'm back home now so expect some captions in the very near future from me.

Unfortunetly, they might be delayed a little as I've had some sort of reaction to some insect bites and my arms are swelling up and it hurts to type! So after I've seen the doctor today I'll see what I can do for you.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Till Next Time

Ok that's it for caps for today. Won't be able to make you any more as my time is now down to a couple of hours before I have to head out for the weekend.
I'll be back home sometime on Sunday, but until then no more caps for the next few days.
Hope you enjoy what I've got up so far and keep an eye on the blog over the weekend anyways and I'll see you all on Sunday.


Will You Put That Down?

Down The Garden Path


There are always some people who will fall into the trap..

Trying to see if I can get any more caps done and uploaded today before I head out for the weekend.

Come With Me If You Want To Live

Swaying Into The Sunset

Thursday, 18 August 2011

I Can't Believe You

You just can't trust some people....

First cap here including my new watermark. If you see any cap with it on any other website, then give me a shout and I'll go amazon on their arses!!

I'm away this weekend so there will no no caps at all on Saturday and it's a dodgy case for Sunday. I will try and get as many up today and tomorrow to make up for it. Same case next weekend as I'm away working again (at least at the moment) but I'm trying to keep up with some caps. So I hope you'll keep checking out my blog.

Thanks to everyone for their comments and support so far. Love you all! :)

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The Web

I can't believe I'm having to do this now, but every caption I make from now on will include a watermark to fully identify it as mine.
This comes around because it was brought to my attention that someone had stolen a caption of mine and uploaded it to deviantart as their own work. Further checks on their gallery has shown that they have stolen other people's work as well (SP2000, one of your pieces is up there too hun).
So thanks to one person's despicable actions, it feels as if the essence of my work is going to be ruined.
To the person who did this. you're on the list now. Sleep with one eye open,  you bastard.

Monday, 15 August 2011


Sometimes a bit of hard work will get you where you want to be.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Tribal Troubles

Well I hadn't planned on doing another in this 'verse, but hey I found another image from the same set soooo ;)

Now then I might just not get any more uploaded for today, but I've had some issues with writer's block as of late and coming up with captions as well as stories as been a bit of a struggle. The problem with having soo much going on of late in my real life between running out of time to study various things and struggling with those anyways and trying to manage two jobs and the work involved for them both. *sighs* I'll try and get things updated here as much as possible, but please excuse any delays over the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Gerry Versus The Seven Sisters - Galatea The Slave Girl

I somehow think the crazy ex's failed with this one....

Ok so maybe watching Scott Pilgrim influenced my thinking somewhat today, but hey, its an awesome movie!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Happy To Be An ...

Just a silly fun cap. The picture was just crying out for a silly one!! XD

Projected Rewards

For those that achieve the targets set to them in my organisation, the rewards are well worth it ;)

Monday, 8 August 2011

Sunday, 7 August 2011


... is sometimes all you need.

I had to change my usual style for this caption, simply because the story ran away with me. I had intended this to be a small cap, but the text just kept growing and growing till it achieved critical mass and developed a lifeforce of it's own. I had to beat it back into submission though ;)
This is pretty much a one off on format and I'll go back to the usual method for the next one, mainly because I don't like the way I've had to set this one out. Downside to only having a single image for the idea in the mind.

Sorry this appeared so late today, and will probably be the only one before midnight (since that would become a monday upload obviously) since I only have fifteen minutes left. I was out all morning and for much of the afternoon having a picnic with my folks and some people they know after we had all been clay pidgeon shooting. Mind you, I won the competition and got myself a small bottle of wine and a trophy :) When I got back, I was somewhat exhausted an nodded off for a few hours, so no caps made during that time!

Sorry about not getting two up a day recently, the idea box has been running a little dry of late since I never used to make so many caps all the time and didn't want to fall into bog standard styles you see everywhere in this community. I want to keep things fresh here, using my own take on things and creating my own universes to use. You are therefore unlikely to ever see a Great Shift, Medallion Of Zulo, MAU or Bikini Beach cap here. Instead, you get my own branch of crazy, so I hope you keep coming here, viewing my stuff and leaving comments on the pieces you like :)

Till next time, sweeties!

Thanks to Sedra, SP200, Alectra, Lady Alexia, Leonides and Linda Marie Daniels for your comments. Big hug for each of you :)

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Back To Work

Sometimes all you really want is to get back to your job.

Knightly Tales - The Rise of Illiana and the Order of the Rose

Ok so it's another medieval themed caption, but hey, I had the image and the idea for this one just popped into my mind!

Now if you don't mind my rambling on for a bit longer, I'd like to make an announcement. I've created a new blog, dedicated to reviews of the various books I read and get through. It's only just started up, so not much there yet, but if you like books, looking for something to read, and don't mind my somewhat random chatter, then head over there!

See you there!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Lover's Truth

Ok, so this isn't TG related in anyway, but I never said that was all I'd create here. Besides, I've been feeling kinda burnt out just constantly trying to create TG themed caps and was thinking about taking a break from this for a while.
However, I read an awesome book last night and it gave my muse a morale boost she desperately needed! Nancy Garden's Annie On My Mind is quite frankly an amazing read (which if you are on Rachel's Haven you would already have seen me going on about it's virtues!) and I would recommend it for anyone!
Now since it's got me on somewhat of an emotional roller coaster right now, you'll excuse me if I ramble on for a while or suddenly feel the need to go cry somewhere for a few!