Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Mad Scientist's Paradise

Always beware of strange places off the beaten track, you never know what might be inside. It could be a vampire duck.....

Thanks to Evie, Chaosbeast, Anne Oni Mouse and Hrdknight for their comments :)


  1. Now Kayla, if you warn people away from mysterious mansions, where are mad scientists going to find subjects to experiment on? Sure there's always craigslist, but willing subjects just don't produce the same veracity that unsuspecting victims hold.

    1. Who the bloody hell are you calling Kayla?

    2. Oh my god! I'm so sorry Kara! I am going to murder my phone now

    3. Ugh. Just have the doctor turn me into a donkey cause I feel like such a jackass.

  2. Great story Kara, the scientist can't be but so mad if he can make some one as beautiful as Laura. You do find the most beautiful pictures!

  3. Last time I went hiking I nearly got lost and ended up wandering through a bit of road I didn't know... if I'd just kept going to the end...

    Still, I'd rather end up as Laura and not have Landon's fate, but I guess you take your chances with a mad scientist.
