Friday, 13 April 2012


Just because something is unbelievable doesn't mean that it is great and exactly what you wanted.

While this has been one sitting around for a while, I made this caption for Isobelle, one of the best cappers out there on the web. Her blog is one of my favourite places to visit as her caps are beautiful and clearly heartfelt, if somewhat too heterosexual for my tastes ;). If you haven't checked it out, why the hell not?!
This picture was posted on her site and I thought it would be perfect to make one for her, so Izzy sweetie, here's one for you!


  1. Oh I don't know, she could start a whole new trend in wearing nothing at all.

  2. I wish that sucha gym was around here as I would surely become a regular visitor... :)

    Great cap, Kara. Nice flowing story and I like how Patrick realizes what had happened to him.
